Statement of Personal Data

The company under the name Outdoor Parking Space, headquartered in Ioannina, Akrita Louki 7, legally represented (hereinafter, the "Company"), hereby declares that the effective protection and security of personal data is its primary concern for its customers and partners in general. In this context, the Company undertakes to respect and process personal data in accordance with the provisions and stipulations of the applicable national and European legislation.

Furthermore, the Company undertakes the obligation to ensure the security of personal data and to fulfill security requirements, as defined by the applicable legislation regarding the protection of personal data and relevant regulations, in order to prevent data loss, illegal or improper use, as well as unauthorized access to it.

Data Subjects can assist the Company in updating and/or ensuring the accuracy of their personal data by providing information regarding their address, contact details, etc.

Image data from the company's video communication systems, which contain the relevant legal notices.

Online activity data. We collect personal data when you use the company's digital services. This may include your social media account ID and profile picture, IP address, and other online identifiers and personal data you provide to us online. If you choose to link your social media account provided by another social networking service provider with your account on any of the company's digital services, your personal data may be shared from the other social networking account, which may include personal data that is part of your social media profile or the profiles of your friends and other connected individuals.